Resources and Info Graphics
1. Lu K, Schellenberg J. Day of action 2022 - Backgrounder - Universal Access to Contraception [Internet]. Canadian Federation of Medical Students. [cited 2023Mar25]. Available from:
2.Campaign for free prescription contraception in BC [Internet]. Accessbc. [cited 2023Mar25]. Available from:
3.Parenthood P. Birth Control Methods & Options: Types of birth control [Internet]. Planned Parenthood. [cited 2023Mar26]. Available from:
4. Black A, Yang Q, Wen SW, Lalonde AB, Guilbert E, Fisher W. Contraceptive use among Canadian women of reproductive age: Results of a national survey. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. 2009;31(7):627–40.
5. Vogel L. Canadian women opting for less effective birth control. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2017;189(27).
6. Rice LW, Espey E, Fenner DE, Gregory KD, Askins J, Lockwood CJ. Universal access to contraception: Women, families, and Communities Benefit. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;222(2)
7. Canadian contraception consensus Chapter 1 contraception in Canada. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. 2015;37(10).
8. Ho S. Access to contraceptives care unaffordable for rural, marginalized communities, doctor says [Internet]. CTVNews. CTV News; 2022 [cited 2023Mar26]. Available from:,in%20rural%20and%20marginalized%20communities.
9. Black AY, Guilbert E, Hassan F, Chatziheofilou I, Lowin J, Jeddi M, et al. The cost of unintended pregnancies in Canada: Estimating direct cost, role of imperfect adherence, and the potential impact of increased use of long-acting reversible contraceptives. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. 2015;37(12):1086–97.
10. Di Meglio G, Crowther C, Simms J. Contraceptive care for Canadian youth. Paediatrics & Child Health. 2018;23(4):271–7.
11. Motluk A. Birth control often not covered by Canadian insurers. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2016;188(14):1001–2.
12. Smith SN, Karreman E, Jabs C. Continuation of contraception following termination of pregnancy in a Canadian urban centre. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. 2022;44(1).
13. Grac: CART-grac [Internet]. CART. [cited 2023Mar26]. Available from:
14.Indigenous Peoples of Saskatchewan 2021 Census of Canada [Internet]. Government of Saskatchewan. [cited 2023Mar26]. Available from:
15. Health Mof. Free contraceptives [Internet]. Province of British Columbia. Province of British Columbia; 2023 [cited 2023Mar26]. Available from: